Don Reeve Spirit Wild [Crash Landing Productions CL 110282 (1991)] When I first heard acoustic guitarist Don Reeve's second release, I immediately turned to the sleeve to find out who was playing bass. To my surprise, Reeve was playing lead and bass on guitar simultaneously, without over-dubs. Joined on a couple of tracks by tabla drums (Matt Finstrom) and violins and violas (co-producer Phil Stevens), Reeve snaps and coddles the 6- and 12-string guitar with the fervor of Michael Hedges and the technical wizardry of John Fahey. Though some of these "New Age" numbers can be a little sleepy because of repetitive phrasing, on most tunes Reeve's techniques work quite well. [Crash Landmg Productions 5720 E. Camden Tucson, AZ 85712]

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